Sunday, November 25, 2007

Faith Healing

the website I used was

Faith healing is trying to cure disease by forcing divine intervention. People who practice this use certain spiritual techniques, or special prayers to try and cure disease. The article I read was written by a Medical Doctor who had done research on faith healing and interviewed faith healers, as well as people who claimed to be healed by faith healers. The ultimate conclusion is that faith healing is a scam. The Medical Doctor who wrote this paper has done 20 years of research on faith healing and has still not found one legitimate case of faith healing. Often times the healer will claim to cure some one of a disease that they don't even have. Faith healing boils down to deception and fraud. They often use people in the audience to act as if they have a certain disease and then they pretend to be cured. Just the fact that they purposely perform these "miracles" in front of an audience suggests that they are trying to gain something from doing faith healing. However, faith healing is fake and most sane people know that diseases are not cured by trying to force divine intervention. Diseases are cured by science and by medical physicians.

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