Monday, November 12, 2007

The Orion Prophecy

The website I found my Article at was

The prophecy I found is called the Orion Prophecy. It was supposedly formulated by the ancient Eqyptians and the Ancient Mayans. They did not necessarily come to the exact same conclusion but they came to very similar conclusions. Both the Mayan and Egyptian prophecies are based on matheumatics and Astronomy. (which were probably not very advanced for today's standards) This article mainly deals with the ancient Eqyptian's prophecy of the Apocalypse. Basically the prophecy predicts that the world will come to an end in the year 2012. It will come to an end because the earth's magnetic field will turn over in a single moment causing massive earthquakes and tidal waves. which will end all life as we know it. Furthermore, the prophecy predicts that North America and Europe will shift to the north pole and their climate will be extremely uninhabitable. This is the jist of the prophecy.
It is important to take into account that this prophecy was merely translated from ancient Egyptian artifacts. This means the prophecy was really created by current day scholars. In the article it talks about how various pyramids, secrets labyrinths, and other monuments all have evidence that pieces together to create this prophecy. However, it is extremely unlikely that the scholars interpreted the prophecy correctly. For example, how could the ancient Egyptians have known about North America. Also, what basis do they have for their prophecy? In this article it also suggests that the ancient Mayans and the ancient Egyptians both came to the same conclusion because they are both descendants of the Atlanteans. The Atlanteans hail from Atlantis, which is burried under the South Pole. When the last apocalypse occured, the Atlanteans fled to South America and Egypt. This effectively shows that the believers in this prophecy are crazy.

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